The web page was created on September 1, 2019




  ERASMUS plus - SP6 im. Jana PawĹ‚a II w Sanoku...




General aims:

--- educating students' cognitive activity and creativity,
- promoting openness to the world,
- strengthening students' self-esteem,
improving the teaching process and learning through the use of active teaching methods.

Specific aims:

--- creating conditions for developing interests, students' skills and talents,
--- stimulating cognitive activity and ability to creative problem solving and independent acquisition of knowledge,
--- motivating students to active learning,
--- independent formulation of questions and hypotheses, creating conditions for diagnosis and deepening students' knowledge of their own needs, possibilities and methods of their implementation,
--- stimulating students' social activity and creating conditions for promoting school activities in the local environment,
--- the use of information technology and modern communication methods,
--- improving foreign language skills,
--- educating openness to other cultures,
--- seeking common values ​​in the history, art, culture of partners’ school countries,
--- exchanging  teachers’ knowledge and experience about teaching methods, promotion and  searching for effective ones,
--- creating optimal learning conditions for children with special educational needs.

The most important goal of each school is to equip students with knowledge and skills which will enable them to continue their education at a higher education level and enable them to function in European society. It is also important to stimulate cognitive activity and to educate creativity, develop interests, but also to educate openness on the world and attitudes of tolerance and respect for other cultures.

Participation in the project "Know the world - know yourself" will undoubtedly increase students motivation to learn. Implementing tasks in cooperation with peers from other countries will develop knowledge of foreign languages and information technology.Thanks to the factthat the tasksimplementedwilllargely be based on theirinterests and talents, children’ssense of the value and educationalsuccesswillincrease and willhelpthem to undertakefurthereducationalchallenges.

The possibility of comparing the acquiredknowledge with peers from othercountrieswill be extremelymotivating for them. As part of the project, we willstrive to ensurethat part of the tasksiscarried out by studentsusing the groupworkmethod. We want to create as manysituations as possible in whichstudentswouldhave the opportunity to carry out theirowntasks and to learncooperation, responsibility, planning, how to recognize and usetheirownskills.

The project "Know the world - knowyourself" wouldserve not only to improvekeycompetences but alsogetting to knowourselves, ourtalents and predispositions. Teachers from Poland, Italy, Spain and France will present their own teaching styles and methods and will share their experience and knowledge on activating learning methods. Together, they will develop lesson plans, rules for competitions and student projects.

They will search for new methodological solutions to inspire students to act and to promote their own development. An important element of the project will also be searching for effective teaching methods for children with special educational needs, so that they can also achieve success. We want to prepare our projects, lessons and competitions so that all students can take part in them and the learning makes them happy. As a result of our project implementation, the quality of school work will be improved, examples of good practice observed during participation in training meetings in partner schools will be implemented.

Teaching materials developed by teachers during the project (scenarios of lessons, celebrations, projects) will create a base of educational help that can be used in subsequent school years. The implemented activities will broaden the educational offer of schools. Perhaps they will become the inspiration or the beginning of other innovative activities.

We hope that they will integrate with the curricula being implemented and that they will be a permanent element of school work. The implementation of known good practices and innovations will improve the competences of both students and teachers and deepen their sense of European identity

Project coordinator on behalf of the school:

Irena Bojarska

Deputy director

Elementary School nr 6 in SANOK









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